There were some special occasions that I failed to blog about when they happened but were very important to our family. One was Ryan's first Father's Day as a daddy of 2. Here he is with his 2 boys. As you can see picture cooperation is not one of their strong suits. Here is Lincoln working on his Father's Day card. We got a card that you could record a message on and Lincoln made the cutest recording. Ryan only got to listen to it once before Lincoln erased it and recorded another not so nice message.
One of the main reasons that I blog is for us to be able to remember some of the stories and things that go on in our lives that we will probably one day forget. For this Father's Day, remember that Madden was just 4 weeks old and how much you love to hold him. You think that he's pretty cute and you say that he looks like a cartoon character with his big brown eyes.
Remember that Lincoln loves for you to play trains with him and how excited he gets when you build him a great big track. Remember how much he thanks you for fixing his trains when all you do is replace the batteries. Remember how he says, "Daddy, you play cars with me?" and how you can't say no as you are dragged into his room.
Remember that we think that you are a wonderful daddy and that we love you very much. I could not have asked for a better father for our 2 sons. Happy Father's Day!!
Perfectly wonderful post! I love it! Very special!
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