This post might be a long one because I've got a lot to say (not unusual for those of you that know me) and it's been a while. The first and most exciting thing is that the countdown to our beach vacation begins. We will be leaving for Cancun in exactly 18 days and yes, we are bringing little Lincoln. Some of you may think this is crazy and we are not quite convinced ourselves that it is not. We weren't sure if he was going to get to go because getting his passport was a mess (I will spare the details). I thought I would share his passport picture with you (too cute).This is the resort that we will be staying at for 5 days, it's called the Royal Mayan. If anyone has been there please feel free to leave me a comment, hopefully all good. We are going to spend 5 glorious days on the beach with my sister's family and my mom.
This leads us into our next subject, Lincoln's new obsession with Elmo. I don't know what it is about that little red monster, but kids, especially mine, love him. He sits in front of the computer and says "elmo" over and over again until someone puts it on for him. We decided that we would get him some Elmo DVD's so that he would stay entertained on the plane ride down. Here is some of the other Elmo things that we have recently accumulated. Here is TMX Lincoln proudly showing his TMX Elmo (he loves to dance and fall over with it).
This is Lincoln in his Elmo bath towel. It looks like his 2nd birthday party might just have to revolve around you know who (I know, thinking kind of far ahead).
I don't know about the rest of you readers out there but I loved the cool weather that we had last week. It made me ready for fall. Well, unfortunately, Oklahoma decided to get scorching again so we decided we would beat the heat with some popsicles. We usually only do this outdoors and you can definitely see why.
Notice that the popsicle is much smaller and most of it is dripped on his chest.
We went to Los Cabos this past weekend and there was a clown making balloon animals. I only post this because I think this is the most gi-normous sword balloon that I have ever seen (I couldn't even get it all in the picture). Needless to say, Lincoln was very impressed.

And as final closing, I leave you with a picture that was taken only a few hours ago. This is Lincoln with his shoes on. Look closely and you will see that he is in full bedtime mode with the pj's, cup, and paci. He loves to wear shoes and picked this pair personally out of his drawer. He insisted that he wear them to bed and it was only until he fell asleep that I could pull them off.
So, I say goodnight to the rest of you, shoeless or not!
I can't help but crack up. Mason and Lincoln are so similar. He is obsessed with Elmo, except he doesn't say "Elmo" he says "La-la" (for the song Elmo sings). He is also driving me crazy with wearing shoes. He wants to wear them all the time.
I bet you'll have such a great time withe Lincoln in Mexico. You're not crazy for taking him, especially since there's family there to help out. I can't wait to hear all about his new experiences.
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