The time has arrived for a little potty at our house. Lincoln has been doing a good job of using the bathroom or at least trying to (it's very cute, he grunts) when you put him on the big potty. He will pretty much go after naps and when he wakes up in the morning. He will do a #2 in the potty if you catch him in time. Okay, enough about that. I was dreading doing this only because I am afraid we will have to do it all over when we have our next kid (who knows when). But all the signs are pointing to now. Well, we went to Babies R Us and found the perfect potty with a nice cushy seat. He was enthralled with it as you can see. He sat on the potty for a while with no success so he got up and started playing with the cushy seat.The gross part was (promised he hadn't peed on it) that he wanted to only wear it around his neck and was really mad when you took it off. So, of course, I go and grab my camera because he is on the potty with the "seat" around his neck.
Well, Lincoln must know that I blog and need great stories, because he looks down and starts peeing right off the potty in the middle of the living room. He would do that after he sat on the potty for about 10 minutes. I'm cracking up because I can't believe I have just captured this string of events on my camera. PRICELESS!!
I'm still not sure if he has figured out exactly what the little potty is for so we just adapted it to the big one and are now using the potty as a step stool. All he wanted to do with the little one was step in it anyways.
Here he is on the big potty reading a little Runaway Bunny to help him relax! I'm sure you will be seeing more potty pictures. I'm not quite sure if I'm as hard core as the Kate from Jon & Kate Plus 8, so don't worry about any 1st poop pictures. If anyone has any good suggestions though on making this potty training easier, I'm all ears.