Sunday, August 8, 2010

Settling In

I never thought that life with 3 kids 3 and under would be easy, but, I'm not sure how people do it. The most common scenario these days- I have a baby nursing in my lap, a one year old about to leap off the coffee table, and a 3 1/2 year old egging him on and occasionally giving him a "helpful" push.

But, alas, there are the few moments of silence when they are all asleep and I can bask in the peacefulness of our new baby girl. She is sweet, calm, and smells delicious. I know that many of you may not believe me, but boys really do have a boyish smell, even from the time that they are born.

I love how she still keeps her feet curled up beneath her.

She has some long, delicate fingers and toes. Maybe she'll be a pianist or a ballerina.

As for now, baby Harper sleeps through the commotion. I know that soon she will all too much a part of the commotion or even the cause of it. Until that time comes, I'm just going to enjoy her sweet, wonderful calmness and pray that it lasts for a little while.