Thursday, June 25, 2009

Week Two

Well, I think that sleep deprivation has set in and so has the milk, so now I officially feel like a dairy cow. Don't get me wrong, I am proud to provide my son with all the nutrients that he needs, but it is exhausting. He is growing well though, so I can't complain. We brought him in for his 2 week check-up and he weighed 7 lbs. 8 1/2 oz. He looked good but had to have his circumcision area pulled back so that was a little unsettling for him.

Here's another sock monkey picture.

These are some of my favorite pictures that I took of him. He is so sweet when he looks at you with those big brown eyes and chubby cheeks.

This was my first week alone with Lincoln and Madden both. It wasn't too bad but I'm not sure how stay at home moms can get anything else done. Trying to entertain a 2 1/2 year old and feed and change a newborn is a lot of work. I haven't yet ventured out of the house with both of them and I'm not sure when I will get that brave.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Has It Been a Month?!

It's hard to believe that a month has passed since we welcomed little Madden into this world and since I have last updated this blog. Get ready for some reading because I am going to catch everyone up. I'll try to do it in a few posts so as not to overwhelm anyone. I'll start where I left off, right after we brought him home.

Little ones change so much within the first few months so we decided to use something to compare Madden's size to in pictures. The sock monkey was close to his size so here he is. Surprisingly, he was already about the same size as the monkey.

We brought him to see Dr. Jones on the Friday after we brought him home. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 10 1/2 oz. She thought that everything looked good and no signs of jaundice.

Lincoln loves his little brother. He wakes up every morning and says good morning to him and give him a kiss, too cute.

This is Madden and Lincoln's feet, I never thought that Lincoln was as big as he is until now. My first baby is growing up.

Sleeping soundly.

The weather was actually not scorching hot then so Lincoln was out watering the front flower bed. Our daylilies were in full bloom.

Well, that was week one in summary. Madden is sleeping well and eating about every 2-3 hours. He is such a sweet baby and really only cries when he wants to eat. Let's hope this continues.