Monday, December 8, 2008

We're having a............!

So, we had our 3rd visit with Dr. Williamson today and everything is going well. He was able to tell what we are going to have. Take a look and see if you can figure it out. I knew as soon as he got the good angle shot (right between the legs and butt up). Yes, those of you that guessed boy got it right. Dr. Williamson said that he was quite a "proud little boy". The arrow is pointing at the you know what. We are so excited that Lincoln will have a little brother to play with!

Here is a good profile shot. He has quite some prominent features for being only 14 1/2 weeks old, isn't technology amazing!

I will keep everyone updated on how this little guy is growing. At this point, all is well in baby land.


Beam Family said...


Kimberly said...

Congratulations!!! Two boys, how fun!!!

amanda torres said...

Hooray! How exciting. I would have loved to have another little boy. Don't get me wrong, I love my baby girl so much but Lincoln and his little brother will be such great playmates!

Matt and Shannon said...
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Matt and Shannon said...

Sure, you can borrow Matt's sweater! In fact, you can keep it...I dont think he will be needing it again this year because we got a different one for our party on Sunday. I must warn you that it is actually more fall-ish designed. I dont know if that is a stipulation at your party or not. :)